Thursday, March 5, 2009

Barranco Wall

According to their latest 'tweet' the celebs are making their way up Barranco Wall

To Quote:

Half way up Barranco Wall stopping for a rest and the new 900k plus total comes in - what a reception that gets!
31 minutes ago from txt

That would mean that they are definitely on the Machame Route and that they are facing this today:

Good Luck to the team and if you haven't already, sponsor their climb for charity today!


Lindy said...

I think it’s properly the most amazing thing anyone can do, it takes a lot of strength mentally physically, and emotionally as a couple to get through something like that!! I'm so proud of my sister and brother in law, you guys are amazing and I can only hope do such an amazing thing as you have. All my love Lindy :)

Jolene said...

Awesome!! Thanks SistA!!!

Love you lots too xxx