Today marks the 2 week count down to our epic adventure... on the 4th of Feb we fly to Tanzania and make our way to Kilimanjaro - the climb starts on the 6th (Friday)
So of course I had a mild panic attack - one of those "What the hell are we doing???" moments. "Are we ready???" Marco seems to think so - but my internal monologue voice is screaming: WE NEED MORE TIME!!
With that in mind (literally!) when Marco decided to do the Fish Hoek (the bottom of 2nd Avenue) up the mountain, over Elsie's Peak and to Welcome Glen, I thought: Uh-oh! This one looked pretty tough when we did the reverse the other day - but what the hell, we need to get fit!

We pushed it pretty hard and managed to do the entire trip in 1h30 (which is a whole 20 mins quicker than just 3 days ago!) And this was supposed to be the more difficult one. I think we're just so damn tired of hiking now that the pace has picked up considerably. You know the logic: push harder, but walk for less time!
I have to say, even though my back pack weighs quite a lot, hauling it around with me all over the place I've become so used to it, I barely notice it's there anymore. I must be getting fit!
PS: The photo is taken on Elsie's Peak overlooking Simon's Town. The yachts you can see in the Bay are there for the weekly Wednesday keel boat regattas held by the False Bay Yacht Club
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